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6SL7 / 6SN7 Peregrine Headphone Amp

The Peregrine is a truly flexible headphone amplifier.  The front end amplification can be either a 6SL7 or 6SN7.  The 6SL7 can be used when extra gain is needed.  Typically, when using a CD player, the 6SN7 will provide enough gain.  However, if you are using an MP3 player, you may find that the additional gain of the 6SL7 is desirable.  The output stage is a 6SN7 White-Cathode-Follower which drives an output transformer.  The output transformer can be configured on the front panel to provide impedance matching to a wide range of headphones.

Peregrine is also available with a 6N1P front end amplifier.  Simply email and request more information.

Peregrine HPA

$1349 w/ Free Shipping

USA Domestic Sales ONLY.

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